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Dust Mites

guest • June 10, 2016

Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae, are commonly known as house dust mites. Microscopic, eight legged creatures, 0.3mm in length, and invisible to the human eye, they are arachnids relatives of spiders, not insects.Facts A gram of house dust (approximately half of a teaspoon) contains as many as 1,000 dust mites. That same gram of dust can hold 250,000 of their fecal pellets. A dust mite will produce 20 fecal pellets per day, that is 200 times its own body weight in feces during its short lifetime.

With millions of dust mites living in one bed this means there are vast amounts of droppings there. These levels mean that virtually all dust mite sensitive people will experience problems as a direct result of the dust mites and their droppings in their mattress, pillow and duvet. Development The development of the house dust mite from an egg to an adult takes just three to four weeks. Adults live for about six weeks, during which time the females produce forty to eighty eggs. Sustenance Dust mites survive by eating dead skin cells, which make up to 80% of house dust. They also live off water vapor, which we provide for them through perspiring and breathing, approximately one pint per person per night. Infestation House dust mites are found in virtually all homes, no matter how clean. They live in the dust that accumulates in carpets, fabrics, furniture and bedding.

A Primary source of dust mite exposure in the home is in the bedroom, which provides the best conditions of warmth, humidity, and food for their growth. The average bedroom can be infested by millions of microscopic dust mites. We spend around one third of our lives in the bedroom so we are in close and prolonged contact with dust mites. They are present in mattresses, pillows, blankets, carpets, upholstered furniture, curtains, and similar fabrics. Research Asthma, eczema and allergic rhinitis are the three main allergic diseases where the cause of most attacks has been linked to the house dust mite allergen. It is not only the dust mite that causes the problem. The allergen which causes asthma attacks, allergies and eczema is actually a protein found in their droppings and their carcasses. Research shows that during one nights sleep most people toss and turn up to 60 or 70 times meaning the dust mite droppings are frequently expelled into the air from bedding. Researchers have also discovered that the allergens can then stay in the air for up to 2 hours. Once airborne, dried dust mite droppings are easily inhaled into our airways thus causing allergic reactions in asthmatics. These allergens can cause wheezing, coughs, itchy eyes, sniffles and, in more serious cases, asthma, eczema, and allergic rhinitis.

Sanitizing System
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How long has the company been in business? What is the initial cost and ongoing cost? What does the competitive situation look like? Will you be competing with hundreds of other people in your area offering the same service? Is there an existing demand for the product or service. Hygienitech has been in business for 21 years. The one -time, initial investment is very small and there are no ongoing royalties of fees. Hygienitech has little or no competition since it is a very unique service that everyone needs.
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Obtaining Local News Coverage
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An estimated 50 million Americans suffer from nasal allergies -- and an additional 26 million have asthma. These conditions take a toll on the health of a city’s population as well as its economy. Seasonal allergies alone account for an estimated 3.8 million missed work and school days each year. According to a recent report by the Natural Resources Defense Council, as many as one in three Americans live in areas that put them at increased risk of respiratory allergies and asthma. The good news is that the Hygienitech™ process is a totally "green," no-chemical, dry process that is capable of destroying all impurities found in a mattress. This is only possible by sanitizing both the surface and the inside of the mattress by combining a penetrating UV-C Germicidal lamp with a powerful extraction device. Matress sanitizing can help eliminate harmful alergens.
By Hygienitech September 1, 2016
Each and every day and everywhere you are, you will encounter dust. Dust particles will show up in our home, office, car and every other place that you go. Despite our best efforts to clean and dust regularly, you will not be completely free of dust. One of the most common problems that people have with dust is the existence of dust mites in your life.Approximately 50 million people suffer from allergies pertaining to dust, pet dander, dust mites and other indoor allergens. Dust can basically be described as particles that come from items in our environment. Dust can be created by indoor and outdoor sources. Dust can be found both on the ground as well as in the air.A dust mite is a tiny bug that lives in the dust located in your home. It primarily feeds on the dead skin of people that fall off during the course of the day. The major problem with dust mites is that many people will have an allergic reaction to them. This reaction will generally have an effect on the respiratory system.Dust and dust mites cannot be completely eliminated, unless you live or work in a severely controlled air environment. However, with regular professional dust mite eradication services you can reduce the exposure to dust and dust mites. By controlling the air and surfaces and reducing the amount of dust, you will reduce the health effects.
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Owning a home business/small business means you probably work remotely and have remote workers. The growth in the number of people working remotely is well documented. By 2020, the number of mobile workers in the U.S. alone is expected to grow to more than 105 million.
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